Wednesday 28 May 2014

Me . . .

Hey, I just wanted to use my first blog post to introduce myself! So my name is Brittany, I am 19 and from a small town in the north-east of England called Hartlepool.
I Play Golf and I love it (and no its not just a sport for old men!) and I have just finished my first year at university, studying Accounting and business management, and before you ask I have no idea what I want to do after I finish!

Some people may recognise me from Diamond St the youtube channel I have with two of my close friends, if you have never heard of it check it out: this hasn’t been going much longer than my blog but we are doing well so far and would love for it to expand! :) Although I do have this Youtube channel with Lois and Aminath I just wanted something I could do by myself and get all of my own thoughts out. (I do love doing the channel though!).
Oh and I haven't told any of my friends or family about this so if you are reading this Hey I write a blog now!
So about my blog . . . I started it now because I  feel like this is the best time for me to start it, I am off uni for 4 months so I have plenty of time to get it set up and I am clear about what I want to write about. As well as this although I am still growing up I am starting to realise who I am as a person (cringe).
So yeah anyway recently I have been getting very into make-up (other that black eye-liner mascara and lipstick! ) and beauty regimes and I am becoming obsessed, so I thought what better than to talk about that. As well as this  I thought I could talk about Uni, there is a lot I can talk about on that subject from what I have gotten up to in first year to what problems I have faced etc.
Yeah that's about all I am going to say today, I was trying to keep it short and sweet but I went on a little longer than I thought. So thank you for reading and I will be posting again soon!
Byee ! :)